Providing an accommodation matching platform between two generations.

Ann Edberg

For most of her career, Ann had been more of an intrapreneur than an entrepreneur. That changed when, at the age of 50, she decided to go back to school to update her degree in Business Administration. The contact with younger students showed her how complementary the skills of two different generations can be: while the younger generation was instinctively more digitally- and globally-oriented, Ann was able to bring experience and connections to the table. When she also saw the issues students had with finding somewhere to live, she founded Ett Tak Två Generationer to solve the problem.

Ann takes part in Care of Business Impact – our accelerator for impact entrepreneurs that we’re running together with Impact Invest.

Ett Tak Två Generationer

Ett Tak Två Generationer provides a digital platform where older people with a spare room can match with students looking for accommodation whilst they're studying.