

To reach new audiences, to find new talent, and to tell the world about the work you do, you need communications that engage your target audiences. As a social entrepreneur or a company or organisation creating positive change you have the possibility to reach even further as you’re doing something people want to hear about. But you need to know what to say, where and how to say it, and to whom to say it to.

We believe in the power of strong and engaging communications to tell the powerful stories of companies and organisations doing good in the world and have helped social entrepreneurs and others through educational programmes and coaching. We help entrepreneurs, companies and organisations getting to know their audiences, their messaging and their tools to carry out efficient and engaging communications to reach further and grow their businesses.

We can deliver workshops, courses and talks as well as individual coaching, whether you’re a small organisation in need of support or whether you’re running a bigger initiative supporting social enterprises or similar but need help with setting up the programme – get in touch with your needs and we’ll help you come up with a plan. Email Tove Nordström at


Learning new things whilst also being given the opportunity to re-think how we do things and looking at our own organisation and work in a new light has been really valuable for us. We’ve been shown what’s there to work on and we’ve received great support in exploring what we could do going forward. Your thoughts and ideas, feedback and suggestions have been really useful, and we really appreciated how you created an interest and excitement amongst the whole team. We truly appreciate the opportunity – thank you!

– Social enterprise employee who took part in communications course


We’d like to have you in our lives all the time – this has been super good for us! You’re the best!

– Social enterprise owner who took part in an individual communications course