SE Forum lectures on social entrepreneurship at business university

As the social entrepreneurship course kicked off last week at Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship, SE Forum was invited to give an introductory guest lecture. Our Communications Lead Tove Nordström joined the university students to share thoughts on the topic of social entrepreneurship in an international and Swedish context.

The Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship is a collaboration between Stockholm universities KTH, Stockholm University, Stockholm School of Economics, Karolinska Institutet, and Konstfack, where students from all schools can take part in courses focusing on entrepreneurship and business.

For the seventh year, one of the courses is focusing on social entrepreneurship with students being offered a chance to learn more about entrepreneurship and business that’s got a positive impact on society and our planet. The course has got a wide scope but will this year also align with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to give the students a chance to focus on their areas of interest.

SE Forum’s guest lecture

To kick off this year’s course, SE Forum’s Tove Nordström ran an introductory lecture on social entrepreneurship to give the students a flavour of what it’s about, what it looks like in Sweden and internationally, and where it’s heading.

“At SE Forum, we believe that using business as a force for good is one of the best ways to create a more sustainable world, but we need efforts across sectors and disciplines. So it’s great to see that the course is gaining interest from students across all Stockholm universities as social entrepreneurship will benefit from a cross-disciplinary way of thinking when looking at ways to solve society’s biggest challenges”.

– Tove Nordström, Communications Lead, SE Forum

Photo credit: Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship


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