Five useful steps to boost local cooperation

We believe that different actors – like social enterprises, non-profit organisations, local governments – all have a shared goal, which is to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of the local population, whilst providing new opportunities. Joining efforts and developing cooperation is an effective way to work towards this goal as it created synergies, added value and more sustainable results.

However, to build an effective partnership the partners should not only be motivated but also equipped with effective tools to develop sustainable collaborations.

This is why SE Forum and our partners from Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal and Cyprus within the LOCAL-Y-MPACT project have analysed best practices for enhancing cooperation between local governments and youth organisations and social enterprises. We have put together concrete steps on how to build successful partnerships and have summarised best practices of five European countries in the report “Building the Communities of Tomorrow: Tools for enhancing cooperation between local governments and community-based youth organisations”.

The report

The report examines common challenges and needs related to building cooperation and describes actionable recommendations on how to develop long-term partnership and various ways to do this. It looks into different legal forms of cooperation including public procurement of services, project funding and in-kind support. 

Potential issues in forming a partnership and avoidance or mitigation strategies are also discussed, as well as suggestions and useful resources on how to prepare for fruitful cooperation. Interesting examples, learnings and good practices are also included – all to get organisations and municipalities inspired and motivated to work together more. 


Policy recommendations for enhanced cooperation


How to create meaningful cross-sector partnerships?